Promoting inclusive education with equal opportunities for migrant and refugee children and adolescents and reception communities in Peru

  • Región de Intervención: Lima, La Libertad
  • Donor: Education Cannot Wait
  • Período Fase 1: Octubre 2021 to Diciembre 2023
  • Período Fase 2:
  • Area: Education


According to the Regional Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees and Migrants from Venezuela, it is estimated that there are currently some 830,000 migrants and refugees in Peru. However, the figure may be much higher since not all migrants manage to regularize their immigration status. In general, the migrant population in Peru is made up of 52% men and 48% women, of which 19% are children and adolescents.

The migration crisis and the limited resources available to the migrant and refugee population seriously affect the education of children and adolescents. Approximately 67,957 refugee and migrant children are not registered in the Ministry of Education system. Likewise, there are 40,135 students in the Ministry’s system who are not included in the national migration registers. For 2020, MINEDU identified a total of 96,613 Venezuelan migrant and refugee students enrolled in Peruvian schools, a number that is increasing.

Migrant and refugee children and adolescents face challenges for their insertion in the system Peruvian education. They are also vulnerable to physical and mental health problems, as well as bullying. school and violence. +Diversity is an Education Cannot Wait program, led by UNICEF, in alliance with RET, UNESCO and World Vision, whose implementing partners are Alternativa, HIAS and Save the Children.


Promote inclusive education with equal opportunities for migrant and refugee children and adolescents and host communities in Peru.


  • Migrant, refugee and host community children and adolescents benefit from increased and more equitable access to quality education.
  • Migrant, refugee and host community children and adolescents are better retained in the education system.
  • Migrant, refugee and host community children and adolescents have developed life skills and achieved social and emotional learning.
  • Authorities and officials improve decision-making on educational access and inclusion based on available data and evidence.

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