Drought anticipation tool in Junín and Huancavelica, Peru
From 2003 to 2021 in Huancavelica and Junín regions, 474 drought emergencies were recorded, resulting in 47,189 livestock losses and 23,304 hectares of crops affected in Huancavelica, and 72,845 livestock losses and 9,959 hectares of crops affected in Junín.
The losses and damages are not only material, but are also related to the living conditions of the population, whose levels of poverty and extreme poverty in 2021 will reach 47.7% in Huancavelica (which ranks first in the country) and Junin with 31.4%. in addition to limited access to basic services, which makes it necessary to take early action to reduce the negative impact of threats such as droughts, which, if they occur, under current conditions, would increase the poverty and extreme poverty gaps, having a considerable impact. impact on the health and livelihoods of communities.
The proposed drought anticipation tool will be an interactive online panel, developed by the technical offices of SENAMHI with the support of SC, with the purpose of generating information in advance of 30 to 15 days on extreme climatic events, specifically droughts, which they affect livestock and agriculture in the departments of Huancavelica and Junín, which in rural areas is characterized by being developed by vulnerable families, with a subsistence economy. The adverse effects of this climatic event impact agriculture and livestock, the family economy, having implications for the well-being of children and adolescents.
- Have a tool for anticipatory actions for droughts in the Huancavelica and Junín regions.
- Have a tool with local information, for early decision making.
- Incorporate non-structural indicators (access to schools, levels of violence, access to services, etc.) in drought impact warnings
Protect 363,725 people with anticipation and early response actions. Among them, 195,707 agricultural producers, grouped in 451 associations.