Save the Children distributes more than 8,100 humanitarian aid kits to care for children affected by rains and floods in northern Peru
- Más de 25,900 niño s, niñas y adolescentes han resultados afectados por la emergencia en esta región.
- Save the Children se encuentra distribuyendo kits de higiene, de agua segura, de alimentación y de soporte socioemocional para cerca de 5,000 familias
- More than 25,900 children and adolescents have been affected by the emergency in this region.
- Save the Children is distributing kits for hygiene, safe water, food and socio-emotional support for nearly 5,000 families
Given the emergency caused by the rains and floods that have been recorded since last January, Save the Children is distributing more than 8,100 humanitarian aid kits to affected families in the regions of Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad and Lambayeque, in order to meet the special needs of children and adolescents.
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INDECI), nationwide there have been 25,919 children and adolescents between the ages of 3 and 17 affected by the rains. Of this total, around 30% (8,360) live in the Piura region and 20% (5,613) in Lambayeque.
In addition, according to the Ministry of Education (Minedu), at the national level 774 schools have been registered affected by the rains, while another 5,290 schools are being evaluated for possible damages, a situation that puts the right to education of thousands of boys and girls at risk.
“My house was flooded, the sheet metal broke, I couldn’t go to school because it was flooded, my entire school was flooded with water, my classroom was flooded, I was very sad.”
Óscar*, a 5-year-old boy from the community of Santa Isabel, in Lambayeque

In this scenario, Save the Children will assist 4,950 families with humanitarian aid kits in northern Peru, including kits for hygiene, safe water, food, and socio-emotional support for children in affected communities.
The deliveries have already been made in hamlets of San Luis, Los Siesquénes, Santa Isabel, Culpón Alto, Cahuide (Lambayeque), Simbalá, Monte Sullón and Narihualá (Piura), Huaca Blanca Alta, Bethel (La Libertad), and will continue in other vulnerable areas. The distribution of humanitarian aid includes 500 migrant families settled in La Libertad, Lambayeque and Piura.
“With these kits, the families affected by the rains will be able to meet their urgent needs in food security, protection and health. Our priority as an organization is children and adolescents, who are suffering multiple effects from this emergency. We see affected schools, difficulties in accessing food and water, among various other emergencies that we are responding to in a timely manner,” said Ernesto Murillo, Manager of Save the Children’s North East Macro Region.

As part of its response to the emergency, Save the Children is implementing actions in Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, La Libertad and Lima, where humanitarian aid is distributed in sectors such as Shelter, Food Security, Health and Protection. By the end of July, the humanitarian needs of more than 30,000 people in northern Peru alone will be met, thanks to funding from the BHA/USAID, Start Fund, and Google.
- In addition to its humanitarian response interventions, Save the Children implements a Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation Program, which help build safer communities for children. By the end of 2022, in this line of work, we had a positive impact on the lives of more than 13,800 children and adolescents.