Balanced food for a protected home
Marian * is a 27 years old young Venezuelan new mother living in Peru. She has participated in virtual training sessions on infant and young child feeding (IYCF), within the framework of the project “Assistance for the well-being and inclusion of migrant and refugee families in Peru”, implemented by Save the Children in Peru, with the support of BHA / USAID as part of its humanitarian response to the Venezuelan migration crisis. In addition to receiving recommendations to improve the diet of her children, Marian* won an award to continue putting these tips into practice.

The session is currently helping me to fight the anemia that my baby Emily* has, mainly because now I know the types of food she should eat. I stopped breastfeeding Emily when she was two months old; I did not continue breastfeeding because I did not have the correct information. Now I know for my future kids that breast milk is the best food that a baby can have for their growth and intelligence, it also protects them from many diseases.
Marian feels that as a new mom she makes many mistakes but now, thanks to the workshops, she knows how to continue with Emily’s complementary feeding. “Her diet should be correct and balanced, without treats or candies” she says.
I see my baby happier because I know how to handle meals for her, I know how to make her food more attractive. Before, she did not eat very well or was constipated because I did not give her the right food. Now she even eats more!.
Marian* is one of nearly 2,000 Peruvian and Venezuelan fathers, mothers, and caregivers who participate in the online sessions on breastfeeding and complementary feeding. Of these, 56 have received these awards.

About the project
The project “Assistance for the well-being and inclusion of migrant and refugee families in Peru” aims to provide emergency assistance to vulnerable and at-risk Venezuelan migrants in Peru, to cover their basic needs and promote their inclusion in the local economy and society. Our project seeks to reach 26,214 Venezuelan migrants and refugees at risk.