Prevention at our hands: healthy and protected families
The project seeks to provide a comprehensive response including the following components: WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), prevention of gender-based violence and child protection. Its objective is to provide families with access to safe water and hygiene supplies to enable and promote proper hygiene routines and behaviors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Likewise, it seeks to provide information to men, women, boys, girls and adolescents so that they can prevent and report cases of family and sexual violence and gender-based inequities, which continue to increase.
The intervention considers a coordinated response in close collaboration with local authorities, health authorities, members of the protection system and community authorities with influence in peri-urban areas of North Lima and Piura.
To protect the most vulnerable families and communities in North Lima and Piura, providing supplies and information to enable them to adopt preventive practices against COVID-19, and to prevent and report violence, which is emerging as a major secondary impact of the pandemic.
Expected results:
- 4200 individuals will have received information that allows them to clarify their doubts and take better preventive measures in the face of the pandemic.
- 5000+ individuals will have access to safe water for four months to facilitate their hygiene practices.
- 2000 individuals will have received direct information that allows them to acquire better hygiene habits, considering the challenges of the current context.
- 5000+ individuals will have received hygiene supplies that will allow them to take preventive hygiene measures against the possible spread of coronavirus and other diseases.
- 6400 individuals will have participated in child protection services available in their community or will have tools to help children deal with their concerns and fears in the face of the current pandemic.
Santa Rosa, LimaNow every house on the hill has its kit, with a bucket, water and soap to do hand washing. I think the pandemic will be less present (in the community), because now we have a way to access hygiene that we did not have before.