Transfer of disaster risk reduction experiences and good practices during local administration transition process

  • Región de Intervención: Lima, Peru.
  • Donor: Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance – OFDA/USAID
  • Período Fase 1: September 2018 to September 2019
  • Período Fase 2:
  • Area: Climate change and DRM, Governance


After the 2018 municipal elections, an opportunity was identified for the project to support the municipal teams during the management transfer processes within the Municipal Community of North Lima (MMLN).

The project was implemented in eight districts in North Lima by PREDES and Save the Children, namely the districts of Los Olivos, Carabayllo, Independencia, San Martín de Porres, Comas, Puente Piedra, Ancón and Santa Rosa.

For the municipalities of Carabayllo and Independencia, the actions focused on the dissemination and strengthening of good practices in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

As a result, eight municipalities developed coordinated work plans, aligned with the objectives set by the National Plan for Disaster Risk Management (PLANAGERD).

The team also designed a set of Inclusive Disaster Risk Management (IDRM) actions through workshops and meetings focused on taking people with disabilities and senior citizens into account in the DRR plans. The project also promoted coordination between MMLN representatives and state institutions, such as the Municipality of Lima, CENEPRED and INDECI.


  • To strengthen the management capacity of the MMLN for DRR based on the lessons learned and outputs generated in previous experiences, in the context of the political transition, taking in consideration the rights of the vulnerable population.


  • Eight municipalities in North Lima developed work plans aligned with the objectives set by the National Plan for Disaster Risk Management (PLANAGERD).
  • 4727 direct beneficiaries from policy and planning actions; training and capacity building and community mobilization.
  • 460 municipal and community leaders were trained on inclusion, protection, human rights and financial mechanisms for DRR.
  • Workshops were held with women, neighborhood leaders, people with disabilities, older adults, and grassroots organizations. In all, there were 300 participants.
  • The document “Disaster Risk Reduction in North Lima” was published in a user-friendly format and then shared in workshops with representatives of the MMLN.

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